
Good Day For A Swell Battle! Now Go! That is one of the lines the announcer says when you begin a fight. So, what’s the story you ask well, I’ll tell you.  So, Once upon a time in a magical place called Inkwell Isle there were two brothers named Cuphead and Mugman. They lived without a care under the watchful eye of the wise Elder Kettle.

One day the two boys wandered far from home, and – despite the Elder Kettle’s many warnings – ended up on the wrong side of the tracks and entered the Devil’s Casino.

Inside, Cuphead and Mugman soon found themselves on a winning streak at the Craps table. “Hot dawg!” exclaimed King Dice, the casino’s sleazy manager. “These fellas can’t lose!”

“Nice run, boys,” laughed a newcomer. The brothers gasped. It was the casino’s owner – the Devil himself! “Now, how about we raise the stakes?” he suggested with a toothy grin.

“Win one more roll, and all the loot in my casino is yours!” the Devil boomed. “But if you lose, I’ll have your souls! Deal?”

Cuphead, blinded by easy riches, nodded and grabbed the dice for a throw. “Good gosh, Cuphead, no!” cried Mugman, for he understood the danger. But it was too late!

“Snake eyes!” laughed the Devil while slamming the floor. “You lose!” The brothers trembled in fear as he loomed over them. “Now, about those souls…”

The brothers pleaded for their very lives. “Th-there must be a another w-way to repay you,” Mugman stammered. “Yes, p-please mister!” Cuphead added.

“Hmm, perhaps there is,” the Devil snickered, pulling out a parchment. “I have here a list of my runaway debtors. Collect their souls for me, and I just might pardon you two mugs.”

“Now get going!” the Devil roared, kicking the boys out most rudely. “You have ’til midnight tomorrow to collect everyone of those souls! Otherwise I’ll be the one collecting yours!”

Cuphead and Mugman were terribly frightened and ran away as fast as they could. “C’mon, Mug!” panted Cuphead. “We have to find the Elder Kettle. He’ll know what to do!”

That is what the story book tells when you start the game, choose a new save slot, and choose a character. And that’s all time we have today folks, tomorrow, or later today, I’ll talk about the tutorial, Porkrinds emporium, and my advice for charms. Buh-Bye!

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